I have always been an artist. It was not until I was in college that I realized sculpture and intricately detailed scratchboard drawings would capture my heart. I made a career in the arts illustrating, designing and owning and operating fine craft galleries.
My artwork has always been figurative. Initially, I focused on the human figure, but living in Annapolis, Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay, I developed a keen interest in local birds and wildlife. My interest was heightened by relocating to Hilton Head, South Carolina. Today, I live in the South Carolina Midlands but have maintained my love of coastal birds and creatures. I enjoy exploring the physical characteristics and intricacies of the creatures that inhabit the coastline.
To create a piece of sculpture or a scratchboard drawing, the subject must attract my attention and move me. Whether it is a gawky silly-looking bird with spindly legs or a streamlined creature which defies gravity and floats effortlessly above the earth, I begin by thoroughly researching every aspect and every angle of the creature. I do not attempt to replicate what nature has created so perfectly but to portray its essence.